26 September 2010

post-autonomous art?

Meeting with new colleagues, especially in research environments, a question that comes up a lot is along the lines of “what is your form?”

On one occasion when struggling to explain that the originality of the activities and work, as in the earlier use of the term “original”, has to do with where it originates, in this context, social engagement as a way to finding out more about the world, and how to become more human, I was interrupted by my e-space lab colleague Jonathan Kearney. This is what you are doing and this is your form, he said, and linking to a Wikipedia Page on Post-autonomous art. The status of this page is fugitive. Just as it began to be relevant, and whilst pointing others towards it for common reference, it was gone. What remains are some equally interesting echoes, and maybe the beginning of conversations and dialogue.

This is a para from that original page:

The German Conceptual artist Michael Lingner proposed the notion of Post Autonomy in the 1990s. The aim of postautonomous artistic production is not (or not primarily) to create objects (electronic or physical) or to document the traces of the productive process. Rather, it is to support and embody a political transformation whereby the human participants subscribe to an open ended mutual learning process and define and activate a productive space outside capitalism and its competitive mode of production.

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